Made by me : Flash application , Backend , Graphics , UX
Made almost fully as a side/personnal project this site allowed to find anyone on the agency by his face, his name, tags, his job or his place.
The only constraint i had was not to show the hierachy of the people, for the rest i had could do more or less anything i wanted to.
A backend allows to :
Manage employees
Manage jobs
Manage tags
Manage countries
Update the agencies/floors map
Attach employees to a desk of the map
As the application contains personnal and confidential data i can't just give you a link to play with it but here is a video : Vidéo demo
At first, the map was more "graphic" but as open spaces tend to be reorganised oftenly it ended up to be quite a nightmare to keep up to date.
That made me refactor it from the ground in order to make it updatable via a simple interface from the backend that generates a JSON used to render the map.
But as a reminder for me, and and because i liked it, here is a video of the first version of the map : First version of the map Graphics made by Mr Scotch
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